It's actually releasing by faith, so this time we'll try it, and this time I want you to do it, and do it quite simply, just by breathing, blowing [exhales gently once] releasing the spirit of God, releasing the anointing. [Laughter] Of course if you've been eating pickled onions or garlic then don't do this at all. [Laughter] They will wither and fall, but not because of the Holy Ghost. [Laughter] Okay, so ask: can I practice on you - get in threes again. Hands up who's catching. Okay, hands up who's receiving - okay, close your eyes, look up. Hands up who's ministering. Okay, now this is what I want you to do, just listen carefully now. Listen carefully. I want you just to put your hand on them now, just one hand on their hand, or on their shoulder. I want you just to quietly pray in tongues, and I want you just to meditate, to picture in your mind, that Almighty God Himself is inside you. The word spirit is the word breath, so it's not about me just blowing or breathing out. It's actually about me letting go my heart to this person. It's releasing all that God is in me, I'm letting God flow through me.
You are joined to the spirit of the Lord, one spirit, so if you let your heart flow to them, the spirit of God will flow with you - so pray in tongues now quietly, become just mentally aware God is inside me, amazing, great, Almighty God is inside me, and I'm just going to release what He has given me into this person - three, two, one - [Exhales gently once] release. Look at that, see? Oops! Adden, last man falling. Catchers aren't supposed to fall. [Laughter] Adden's greedy for the Holy Ghost, he wants everything everyone can give him. [Laughter] Aah, too much! [Laughter] Awesome. Okay, how many got something happen? There was a flow of power? That's wonderful, that's some, not as many as this time, okay. Alright then, now just stop and listen again. It was easier, when I said speak a strong word, for you to believe something would happen, than just breathing, because you're depending on what you do, rather than depending on the Holy Spirit.
In a moment I'll show you how to do it, and you're not even going to say anything or do anything much. We're going to believe that God will come on them as we pray, okay? Alright, so this time we're going to try it again - oh that's great, that's really a help, so it'll make you look good when you blow. [Laughter] Okay, are we ready? Can I practice on you? Begin to pray in tongues. Pray in tongues. Pray in tongues. [Prays in tongues] Now begin to meditate that God is in me. Focus on the source, not on what you've got called to do. Thank You Holy Ghost, thank You Lord You are in me, dwelling inside me. I just see Your presence, Your power filling me right now, and Lord, I thank You. We love this person, we're going to release You to them. Now ready? Three, two, one - [Exhales gently once]. Wow, there we go, look at that. Awesome. You caught him that time, that's good. I was getting a bit worried, he's falling over all the time, don't want him to break anything. [Laughter] Praise the Lord, he's quite touched. Feeling warm? Yeah, that's very good.
Okay, how are we getting on? [Laughter] Now remember, it's all just practicing, so it doesn't matter if it doesn't come off 100 percent every time, we're just all practicing. We're just practicing. Are we ready - woops! Someone practiced very hard, they fell over. Who was that? Was that Gary? That was Sargin behind the camera. [Laughter] He was giving a bit of a help. Okay, are we ready this time? Can I practice on you? Thank you, do your best. Okay then, put your hand on them lightly, begin to pray in tongues. [All pray in tongues Begin to meditate God is inside me, thank You Lord. Holy Ghost come, spirit of the Lord come - three, two, one - [Exhales once quickly] Very good, very good. Very good. Okay - hey! And of course some people are like the Rock of Gibraltar. Tom, it's okay, he's never fallen over for me either. [Laughter] We could try together some time.